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Service Package for International Students

Service Package for International Students
Finding the start of your studies in a foreign country difficult? Everything is unclear and hard to understand? You’re right! To make this start easier for you, the Studentenwerk Marburg, together with the Department of International Students and Studies Abroad of the Philipps-University, offer a comfortable solution for the first six months of your studies.
This service package contains the following services:
We guarantee a single room in a student residence with internet and advanced payments for living costs (heating, electricity, water etc.).
From Monday to Friday one lunch or dinner in the canteen for about 3 months.
Semester fees:
All students pay this fee which entitles you to use the services of the Studentenwerk (low-cost living: food, accident insurance, consultation).
Student body contribution:
Serves to finance the students who represent the interests of the students (AStA, student representatives) and must be paid by all students too.
For using all public transportation services (trains, buses, trams, metro) in the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsbund.
The orientation programme at the beginning of the semester and a tutor programme during the semester, organised by the Department of International Students and Studies Abroad.
The service package is a one time payment in advance of 2.800.00 € and is valid for six months from 1st October (winter semester) or 1st April (summer semester), or alternatively for six months from 1st September or 1st March.
For the single-room you are obliged to pay a deposit of 170.00 € in addition to the price above.
Application for the service package:
The application period for the winter semester is from 15.05. to 15.07. and for the summer semester from 15.11. to 15.01.
If we have aroused your interest, please apply online as normal and let us know your interest by e-mail to wohnen@stw-mr.de after completing your online application. Applications received outside the deadlines will not be considered. The service package is limited and is processed in chronological order after the entry date of the application.
For further questions please contact the housing referral service of the Studierendenwerk Marburg.
Contact Persons
Alisa Selle
Raumnummer: 319
Funktion: Erst- und Umzugsbewerbungen, Notunterkünfte, Zimmervergabe
Abteilung: Studentisches Wohnen
Telefon: +49 6421 296149
Lisa Hopp
Raumnummer: 319
Funktion: Erst- und Umzugsbewerbungen, Notunterkünfte, Zimmervergabe
Abteilung: Studentisches Wohnen
Telefon: +49 6421 296144
Lisa-Marie Kraft
Raumnummer: 319
Funktion: Erst- und Umzugsbewerbungen, Notunterkünfte, Zimmervergabe
Abteilung: Studentisches Wohnen
Telefon: +49 6421 296145