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The Studentenwerk Marburg

The Student Council of Marburg is an institution under public law. This means that the government is co-responsible for the accomplishment of our goals and the fulfilment of our services. Simultaneously it means that we have economical freedom to a certain extend.
We ensure that representatives of the university and students are part of the team defining the goals of the Student Council.
As being a competent partner of the students attending the Philipps Universität we offer a broad pallet of services and attractive offers, particularly the following:
Catering: two canteens and 13 cafterias,
Boarding and lodging: Rooms for up to 2200 students,
Daycare centre for 70 babies and toddlers.
We advise and deal with claims concerning student casualty insurances.
Students can recieve psychological counselling at our psychotherapy office situated in the Students Centre, Erlenring.
We are particularly proud of our hostel for physically disabled students (Konrad Biesalski house) with room for 78 physically disabled students. The outstanding nursing services, and transport service enables those who are physically disabled- and those who are not, to live and study together.
Since 1976 a partnership excists between ourselves and the french C.R.O.U.S Poitiers.
Yours, Studentenwerk Marburg