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Advice on finding a flat

- Start searching as early as possible.
- Expect that finding a flat can take some time.
- Be aware that especially during the winter semester, there is not much low-cost housing in Marburg available and that the demand for student housing is highest at the beginning of the (winter) semester.
- If you are interested in living in a low-cost student residence of the Studentenwerk Marburg, please address yourself directly to the Studentenwerk. Our Staff is happy to give advice to you and other further support.
- If you look for a flat on the private housing market, have a look at the flat advertisements in Marburg’s daily press. You can also find flat offers on the internet at housing companies or so-called Wohnungsbörsen (accommodation exchange for flats etc.). You can also take a look at the notice boards in the Studentenhaus (Mensa) or put up your own notice.
- Be aware that you need a Wohnberechtigungsschein (official document certifying the tenant’s financial hardship) to get a flat in social housing. For further information turn to the Fachdienst Wohnungswesen of Marburg.
- Inform yourself well about rental costs and compare them, e.g. if the costs displayed represent the net cold rent or the final rent including heating. Usually, a deposit has to be paid.
- Do not forget that there may be further fixed costs (e.g. for telephone, internet, assurances). Obviously, you can turn to an estate agent. But be aware: Usually you have to pay two monthly rents to the estate agent. Ask for the costs beforehand. You should also note that on the private housing market, contrary to the offers of the Studentenwerk, you will rarely find furnished flats. Thus, take into consideration further costs for necessary furniture.