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Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 111 - 119
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 111 - 119
All in all 249 living spaces and 90 parking spaces
Construction year: 1976; renovation: 1993; modernisation: 1994/1995
House 1: 103 single rooms
House 2: 74 shared rooms
House 3: 72 shared rooms
Rent: 262,00 € - 307,00 €
Deposit: 150,00 € - 230,00 €
Room sizes: 11 m² - 20 m²
Christian-Wolff residences lie in the southern suburbs of Marburg. There is a library, TV room with cable, clubrooms, and a bar run by students. All of which facilitate a friendly communicative environment.
You can reach the city centre (4 km) either by bus or by bike. What’s more, the important university institutes, such as the Mensa (university canteen) or the Lahnberge, only take a few minutes to reach either with a motorised bicycle along the Sonnenblick Allee or with one of the regular bus connections.
The main house, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 111, was the first house established and was taken over by the Studentenwerk in 1977 from the university union. It is a traditional residence with single rooms, shared kitchens, and shared sanitary facilities.
The establishment was extended in 1990 and 1992 to accommodate four new houses. Here students live in one of Marburg’s favourite living situations - shared housing, or, “Wohngemeinschaft”, aka WG.
Communication areas:
TV rooms with cable
The facilities in the main house are also available to residents living in houses 113-119.