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Emergency Accommodation

Semester has already started and you haven’t found a room?
Then the Studentenwerk Marburg will help you out with emergency accommodation.
1.What is emergency accommodation?
Emergency accommodation offers you a place to sleep in the student accommodation of the Studentenwerk. At the beginning of the winter semester sleeping places in common rooms will be arranged. Depending on the room size, 3 to 8 persons can accommodate a room in an emergency accommodation. The accommodations are separated according to gender.
2. How do I get emergency housing?
For emergency housing, a normal online application for the dormitory places is sufficient. Please note that these places are also limited and are only available for a short transitional period.
3. What is the cost of emergency housing?
The emergency accommodation costs € 75.00 per month. The month is calculated from the beginning of the contract. In addition there is a deposit of 50,00 €. For 5,00 € per night plus deposit we will take you in if you only need to bridge a few days.