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Mensa Mobil

Breakfast doesn’t quite make it to your bed, but at least to the university sites that are further away from the centre of the city. This way you can rely on our continuous high quality and affordable prices.
We offer fresh coffee, scrumptious muffins, savory bagels, baguettes, croissants and rolls. Also warm schnitzel and meatballs or a steamy hot soup. Sweets, fresh milk and dairy products - not to mention fresh fruit - are all here to be enjoyed.
We also take larger orders and deliver these if you wish to invite your colleagues out for lunch. You can refer to our personal in the Mensa-Mobil, or just call us under 06421/296-162.
Mensa-Mobil schedule during the semester break from 16, February until 14, April 2019.
09.40 a.m. Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies
10.00 a.m. Administration Biegenstraße (from 25. February)
10.20 a.m. Phil Fak (from 4, March until 5, April)
10.45 a.m. Zentrum für Tumor und Immunbiologie
11.00 a.m. medical research / botanical gardens
11.40 a.m. Partikelzentrum
12.00 a.m. Dental clinic
12.45 p.m. Nursing school (except for Fridays, then: 10.25 a.m.)
Contact Mensa-Mobil
Markus Semmler
35043 Marburg
Funktion: Ansprechpartner
Abteilung: Mensa Mobil, Mo's Diner
Telefon: +49 6421 2825598
Telefax: +49 6421 15761