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Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre for Students (PBS)

When you make use of our counselling services at an early stage and on smaller occasions, you can often avoid greater stress and more complex treatments.
Welcome to the Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center for Students (PBS)
We offer advice and help for students for a wide range of issues, including personal conflicts related to your studies, learning or work difficulties, exams, interpersonal contacts or difficulties with family or partners. The Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre for Students (PBS) ist staffed by experienced clinicians from the Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of Philipps-University Marburg. We offer consultations as well as advice on referrals to clinical services.
Early use of PBS consultations can be useful in avoiding greater stress or more complex treatments.
We offer anonymous private consultations, either in person, by phone, or through secure online video systems (RED Medical video platform). Also, we offer consultations in german and in english.
How to make an appointment
By phone: Please call us during regular hours, preferably between 12:00 and 13:00, or leave a message for us to get back to you.
In person (walk-in): Feel free to visit us during opening hours at either campus office.
Email: Please send us your preferred place of consultation (Erlenring or Lahnberge office) and times of availability, so we might suggest an appointment. (Please note that that the transmission of unencrypted data by e-mail is neither suitable nor secure for exchanging personal data or other confidential information.)
Beratungsstelle 1
Mensa am Erlenring
Room 166a, Ostflügel
Erlenring 5
35037 Marburg
Consultation times
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 2 pm
Phone: 06421/28-65240 (Erlenring)
Beratungsstelle 2
Cafeteria Lahnberge
Raum 30
35043 Marburg
Consultation times
Wednesday and Friday: 9 am to 2 pm
Phone: 06421/28-65269 (Lahnberge)
Contact persons
Ma. Sc. Christina Kirchhainer
Dipl. Psych. Luisa Ziegler
Dipl.- Psych. Peter Martin Nord
Email: pbs@uni-marburg.de
In urgent cases, outside of office hours, please contact: Institute Outpatient Clinic of the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 8, 35039 Marburg, Telephone 06421/ 58-65239